
Intellectual Property Related

  1. How to Create and Package Custom IPs (3384 downloads )
  2. How to use DSD LABs Custom IPs (3191 downloads )

Tutorials and books on Digital VLSI Design:-

  1. Aspects of Hardware Description (4192 downloads ) : by CEERI Pilani
  2. C-MOS, Digital Integrated Circuits (4132 downloads ) : Sung Mo Kang and Yusuf Leblebici.
  3. C-MOS VLSI design, a circuits and system perspective (4152 downloads ) : by Weste and Harris
  4. VLSI Signal processing Systems by Keshab K. Parhi (3685 downloads )

Important Books on digital system design and Verilog HDL:-

  1. A Verilog HDL primer (4087 downloads ) : A very good book in learning Verilog.
  2. Verilog: Frequently Asked Questions (4401 downloads ) : A Springer Publication
  3. Digital Design with introduction to Verilog (4210 downloads ) : by Morris Mano
  4.   Fundamentals of Digital Logic with Verilog (4567 downloads ) : by Stephen Brown.
  5. Digital System Design using VHDL (3874 downloads ) : by Charles H. Roth

Verilog Source Codes:-

  1. mux_tutorial: Mux realized in different programming styles of Verilog HDL.
  2. Combinational Circuits: Various Combinational circuits are realized in Verilog.
  3. Sequential Circuits: Various Sequential circuits are realized in Verilog.
  4. Memory Design: Verilog codes for memory blocks.
  5. System Architectures: Verilog codes for the various type of system architectures.
  6. FSM design: Verilog Codes for some FSM design examples


  1. Matlab Code to Convert from Real Floating Matlab Data to Fixed Binary Unsigned Equivalent (2800 downloads ) : To convert any floating data from Matlab to a fixed point binary equivalent in unsigned radix.
  2. Matlab Function to Convert to Float Data from Binary Decimal Data (2756 downloads ) : To convert any data that came from FPGA to real data to compare with Matlab results.
  3. Matlab code to Convert Binary Unsigned data to Hexadecimal Data (3018 downloads ) : To convert any binary unsigned decimal data to hexadecimal data o load to FPGA. Floating data also can be directly converted to Hex data.
  4. DCT Implementation in Matlab Without Function (4007 downloads ) : Implementation of DCT without Matlab inbuilt function which helps easy hardware implementation.
  5. Pre-Emphasis Filter Design using Verilog (3972 downloads ) : Test Design files where a pre-emphasis filter is implemented using Verilog in Vivado.
  6. Matlab Code for Principal Component Analysis (3472 downloads ) : Matlab implementation of PCA.
  7. Matlab Code for Gram-Schimdt Algorithm Based QR Factorization (3604 downloads ) : Matlab implementation of Modified Gram-Schimdt Algorithm based QR Decomposition
  8. Matlab Mini Projects Related to Electronics and Communication Engineering (2864 downloads ) : Matlab mini-projects for ECE students.
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