About Us

Over the few decades we are seeing a rapid growth in the VLSI industries due to high demand of ICs whether they are digital, analog or mixed. This high demand is basically due to the tendency of human beings to introduce automation in every field like automobile, defense, aerospace or household. Nowadays system on the chips (SoCs) are preferred over a system with discrete components as SoCs offer better speed with lesser area. SoCs needs to have better processing speed, low dynamic power and low PCB area. Another feature which is highly demanding is reconfigurability and FPGAs are very good in providing the reconfigurability option.


We deal with digital system design which is a subset of VLSI design. A digital system can be a microprocessor/microcontroller, a network system, a communication system or any implementation of image processing/signal processing algorithms. Our job is to propose a better system (novel algorithm), optimize an existing system (modifying existing algorithm) and implement them efficiently on a digital hardware flatform like FPGA. So that the SoC (which includes FPGA) will consume low power and be area efficient.


We call our lab as Digital System Design LAB (DSD LAB) and we have expertise in the following fields

  1. Development and optimization of algorithms using MATLAB or using PYTHON coding.
  2. Modelling of any algorithm using Verilog or System Verilog.
  3. Implementation of digital systems on FPGA devices using EDA tools like XILINX VIVADO or ISE.
  4. Creating FPGA based IPs for researchers and industries.
  5. FPGA based products and interfacing modules.


To become the most preferred and trusted FPGA solution provider among the clients, to maintain a healthy relationship with our clients by providing the best services and quick response to any issues, and to uplift the level of of innovation by continuing the research activity.


To become one of the global leaders to provide innovative FPGA based solutions, FPGA based products and FPGA based intellectual properties (IP), to provide quality training on digital VLSI system design using FPGA, and to become first choice of the VLSI researchers.


Dr. Shirshendu Roy (Founder)


He received B.E. and M.E. degree in Electronics and Tele-Communication Engineering from Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology (IIEST), Shibpur in 2010 and 2016 respectively. He worked at Hindalco Industries Ltd., Aditya Birla Group in CPP automation department for 4 years. He has completed Ph.D. degree from National Institute of Technology, Rourkela in VLSI signal processing. His research interest include Digital Arithmetic, FPGA based implementation of signal processing algorithms (Compressed Sensing), Low power architecture design and VLSI Signal Processing.

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S Aloka Patro

Alok Patro completed his B. Tech degree in Electronics and Communication from Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology (VSSUT), Burla in 2016 and completed his M-tech (Research) from National Institute of technology, Rourkela in 2019. His research interest includes Embedded Systems, Internet of Things (IoT) and Industrial Automation. He was involved in many IoT based projects in NIT Rourkela.

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Ardhendu Sarkar

Ardhendu Sarkar received the B.Tech. degree in computer science and engineering from the Government College of Engineering and Textile Technology, Berhampore, India, in 2012, and the M.Tech. degree in information technology from the Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Howrah, India, in 2016. He served as a Junior Research Fellow with the Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India sponsored project and currently working as a Junior Research Fellow (Ph.D. Scholar) with the Department of Computer Science and Technology, Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology. His research area includes computer architecture, embedded systems, and image processing.

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Avik Kumar Das

Avik Kumar Das received B.Tech. in Electronics & Communication Engineering from West Bengal University of Technology, India, in 2012, and M.Tech. in Information and Communication Engineering from Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology (IIEST), Shibpur in 2016. He worked as IT Support Engineer in Goldstar Technology, Kolkata for 2 years and Assistant Professor in Seacom Engineering College (affiliated to MAKAUT), Howrah, for 1.5 years. Currently working as Research Scholar (SRF) in the Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering in IIEST, Shibpur. His current research interests are underwater acoustic communication, wireless communication, Signal processing algorithm design and implementation using ML, NLP, AI, IoT and FPGA.

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