Floating Point Multiplication

Floating point multiplication is comparatively easy than the floating point addition algorithm but off course consumes more hardware than fixed point multiplier circuit. Major hardware block is the multiplier which is same as fixed point multiplier. This multiplier is used to multiply the mantissas of the two numbers. A floating point multiplication between two numbers

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Leading Zero Counter

In a binary number, leading zeros are the zero digits in the most significant positions of data, up to the position in which the first one is present. For a binary number the leading leading zero count is 4. Leading zero counter is a very important combinational circuit in designing the floating-point architectures to do

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Interfacing VGA display with FPGA

A video controller generates the synchronization signals and outputs data pixels serially through the VGA port of the FPGA board. The synchronization signals generator circuit (vga_sync) generates the timing and control signals.  The hsync and vsync signals control the horizontal and vertical scans. The pixel_x and pixel_y signals specify the current location of the pixel. 

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Fast Multiplication

The fast multiplication can be achieved in three general ways. The sequential multipliers sequentially generates the partial products and adds them with the previously stored partial products. In the second method, high speed parallel multipliers generate the partial products in parallel and adds them by a fast multi-operand adder. The third method corresponds to use

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Dedicated Square Block

In the previous tutorials, we have discussed techniques which can be used to achieve fast multiplication. But when the multiplicand and the multiplier are same, there must be some way to simplify the implementation. Thus squaring operation does not require the full length hardware of a multiplier. In applications where a squaring operation is required,

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Alternative Techniques for Partial Product Accumulation

Several techniques are suggested for partial products accumulation. Some of them targets to reduce the logic elements to reduce hardware complexity whereas some of them targets to reduce numbers of levels in the tree of partial products to achieve high speed. As the number of levels increases irregularity in the design also increases. The irregularities

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Accumulation of Partial Products for Signed Numbers

Earlier we have discussed how the partial products for a unsigned multiplier can be accumulated using suitable organization and consuming minimum number of counters. In this section, accumulation will be done by considering negative partial products. If some of the partial products are negative numbers represented in two’s complement number system, then matrix of bits

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