ATPG for Combinational Circuits

Automatic Test Pattern Generation and Automatic Test Pattern Generator (ATPGA) is an electronic design automation method/technology used to find an input (or test) sequence that, when applied to a digital circuit, enables automatic test equipment to distinguish between the correct circuit behavior and the faulty circuit behavior caused by defects. This tutorial focuses on ATPG for combinational circuits using Synopsys Tetramax tool. 1.   Open the terminal 2.   Source

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ASIC Tutorials I

Here, we will discuss the tutorials on how to synthesize a Verilog code starting from simulation, syntax checking, code coverage using CADENCE EDA tool. Basic Simulation on CADENCE Linting Code Coverage Logic Equivalence Check Genus Synthesis without Constraints Genus Synthesis with Constraints Genus Synthesis using Scripts Static Timing Analysis using Cadence Tempus +20

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Over the past several years, digital system design has become dominant in the field of VLSI design for relatively high performance and cost-effective VLSI circuits. The revolutionary nature of these developments is understood by the rapid growth in implementation of systems on a single chip (SoCs). Instead of fabricating discrete components industries are preferring production

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