Insertion Sort Behavioral

Here a simple Behavioral coding of the Insertion Sort algorithm is given. This code is written in such a way that it can support any number of inputs with any size. This code is a basic version of the Insertion sort algorithm and sorts the given array in one clock cycle. The code is written for five number of elements.

module insertion_sort #(
    parameter NUM_VALS = 5,
    parameter SIZE     = 16
)(  input  wire clk,
    input  wire [NUM_VALS*SIZE-1:0] in,
    output reg  [NUM_VALS*SIZE-1:0] out
    reg [NUM_VALS*SIZE-1:0] sorted_bus;
    always @(posedge clk) begin
        out <= sorted_bus;

    integer i, j;
    reg [SIZE-1:0] temp;
    reg [SIZE-1:0] array [1:NUM_VALS];
    always @* begin
        for (i = 0; i < NUM_VALS; i = i + 1) begin
            array[i+1] = in[i*SIZE +: SIZE];

        for (j = 2; j < NUM_VALS + 1; j = j + 1) begin
				i = j-1;
				temp = array[j];
            while((i > 0)&&(temp < array[i])) begin
                    array[i+1] = array[i];
       for (i = 0; i < NUM_VALS; i = i + 1) begin
            sorted_bus[i*SIZE +: SIZE] = array[i+1];

The test bench for this code is given below. The elements are ordered in descending order.

module insertion_tb;
    reg clk;
    reg  [16-1:0] in1,  in2,  in3,  in4,  in5;
    wire [16-1:0] out1, out2, out3, out4, out5;

    insertion_sort #(.NUM_VALS(5), .SIZE(16)) dut (
        .in ({in1,  in2,  in3,  in4,  in5}),
        .out({out1, out2, out3, out4, out5})

    always @(posedge clk) begin
        in1 <= random;         in2 <=random;
        in3 <= random;         in4 <=random;
        in5 <= random;     end      always @(posedge clk) begindisplay("In:  %0d %0d %0d %0d %0d", in1,  in2,  in3,  in4,  in5);
        display("Out: %0d %0d %0d %0d %0d", out1, out2, out3, out4, out5);     end      initial begin         #300;finish;

    always begin
        clk = 1'b0; #5;
        clk = 1'b1; #5;

Author Description

Ardhendu Sarkar
Research Scholar
Computer Science Deptt.
IIEST, Shibpur
email: [email protected]
Ph: 9733242529

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