Digital Electronics

Digital electronics or digital logic design is the first course we learn in the field of digital system design. Thus it is very important that the students are having very good knowledge of digital electronics. Otherwise they will face difficulties in future if they pursue research in the field of digital electronics. Most of the industries also demand strong knowledge in this field. Thus we are going to cover some of the important topics of digital electronics through the presentation mode. These presentations will help the students to build their concepts but students are strongly advised to go through text books.


  1. Introduction to Number System and Codes
  2. Binary Arithmetic Operations
  3. Boolean Algebra and Logic Gates
  4. Minimization of Boolean Expressions
  5. Combinational Circuits
  6. Latches and Flip-Flops
  7. Sequential Circuits
  8. Registers and Counters
  9. Loadable Up and Down Counter Design
  10. Memory and Programmable Logic
  11. Analog to Digital Converters
  12. Digital to Analog Converters
  13. IC Logic Families

Introduction to Number System and Codes

Loadable Up and Down Counter Design

Binary Arithmetic Operations

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