Common Cathode 2-digit Seven Segment Display Module



  1. Common cathode display.
  2. Two digits active high SSD display.
  3. PMOD connectivity and compatible to any digital processor.
  4. Free Verilog HDL code provided
  5. Shipping is free
  6. PCB material GESS 1.6 mm, Finish – SMOBC/I

Availability: In stock

This is a common cathode two-digit seven segment display module. This means digits are enabled when logic zero is applied on their enable pin. But all the seven segment Leds are enabled by logic one. This board is made in such a way that it can be easily interfaced with any micro-controller boards or FPGA. This module specially designed for FPGA boards which have PMOD connecters. This board has total 10 pins, out of which 7 pins are for LEDs, one pin is for digit enable, one pin is for ground and one pin is for supply voltage. The pin for decimal point is not provided here to save total number of pins.

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