Verilog Code for Interfacing INMP441 MEMS Based Microphone Module

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  1. It is Verilog code to interface INMP441 sensor to FPGA
  2. It is tested with Speakers. Supporting codes are also attached.
  3. It is written in Verilog
  4. It is tested using Artix7 FPGA board.
  5. It is written for Mono mode, but stereo mode is also possible with minor modification.

Microphone is a device which is used to capture or record voices to the micro-controllers or FPGAs. One of the popular microphone sensors is INMP441 MEMS based omni-directional sensor which can be used to record speech signals. The details of this sensor can read from available documents on the internet.

This product is about interfacing this sensor with FPGA. This sensor can be used in three modes. In one mode only right channel is active, in one mode only left channel is active and in one mode both the channels (stereo) are active. This is a Verilog code which will help the user to complete their project on audio and speech processing.

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